About us

Micro Rainbow International Foundation (MRIF) is a charity registered with the Charity Commission in October 2016. MRIF’s vision is to contribute to a world where lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGBTI) people can achieve their full potential in life and have equal access to employment, training, education, financial services, healthcare, housing, places of faith, and public places and services.

Our strategic objectives

  • the promotion of social inclusion amongst LGBTI people by preventing them from becoming socially excluded and relieving the needs of those who are;
  • the promotion of equality and diversity by:
    • the elimination of discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation, gender identity or intersex status;
    • advancing education and raising awareness in equality and diversity; and
    • conducting and commissioning research on equality and diversity issues in relation to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people and publishing the results.

What we do

We work globally to help LGBTI people achieve their full potential in life and have equal access to employment, training, education, financial services, healthcare, housing, places of faith, and public places and services.

We do so through three main programmes: economic empowerment and advocacyemergency housing and support and social inclusion. For each programme we have a target to achieve in. You can help us achieve these targets by fundraising for us. Your support will change LGBTI lives. We have also listed some examples of how small income generating activities can promote LGBTI equality in Cambodia and how as little as £36 can prevent homelessness of LGBTI asylum seekers in the United Kingdom.

Latest updates

Itacira talking about her cakes and creations
Economic empowerment & advocacy

Itacira’s story

Discover Itacira’s inspiring story and learn how she was empowered to start and succeed in her own business.


Call for applications

Call for applications for Micro Rainbow International Foundation’s 11th training in Brazil.


How you can help